Executive and Specialist Recruitment


Christian Morris
Manager – Management Solutions
Phone: 02 9242 4160
[email protected]

Anantha Dinavahi
Senior Consultant
Phone: 02 9242 4025
[email protected]

Claudia Nossa Cortes
Senior Consultant
Phone: 02 9242 4051
[email protected]

Emily King
HR Consultant
Phone: 02 9242 4018
[email protected]

Elfia Karydas
HR Coordinator
Phone: 02 9242 4016
[email protected]

Meha Patel
HR Graduate
Phone: 02 9242 4110
[email protected]

Executive level recruitment services

Finding and placing the right executive staff is critical to the success of any organisation. That’s why the recruitment process is so important.

LGNSW's Management Solutions team provides member councils with executive level recruitment services to help place the right candidates in senior management and specialist roles.

Our experienced team offers an end-to-end service based on best practice methods, ensuring that every aspect adheres to the requirements of the Local Government Act 1993, including equal employment opportunity and merit principles.


The recruitment process

Our end-to-end recruitment process follows a proven methodology as follows:

  • Establishing a tailored recruitment and advertising strategy with council
  • Managing candidate applications and creating a shortlist for interview
  • Developing interview questions in partnership with the recruitment panel
  • Coordinating interviews and facilitating the interview process as a member of the recruitment panel
  • Providing comprehensive and detailed reference checks
  • Conducting background and qualification checks on selected candidates
  • Providing appropriate candidate workplace behavioural assessments
  • Communicating with unsuccessful candidates
  • Delivering a detailed final selection report to council
  • Negotiating the remuneration package with the successful candidate
  • Drafting the candidate’s employment contract
  • Establishing a performance agreement with the candidate and council

Management Solutions provides the above services as an end-to-end "bundled recruitment package", however, your council may just have a need to use selected elements of our services and we can also provide these "unbundled" such as:

Shortlisting & Selection Services

With an ever-increasing number of people applying for jobs we can assist your HR team in screening and shortlisting candidates for interview.

Working with your HR team we will screen applicants against your selection criteria and deliver a shortlist of candidates that fit your requirements.

Conducting Reference and Background Checks

If required, we can support your HR team by conducting reference and background checks on your preferred candidates. Reference checks can be done quickly by us using your reference check template or we can tailor a template to meet your specific needs.

We can also undertake background checks, on your behalf, on candidates such as Criminal History, Educational Qualifications and Residency status. These checks can be provided quickly, efficiently and with the utmost confidentiality.

Providing Workplace Behavioural Assessments on Candidates

We have a battery of behavioural assessments which we can deliver to gauge, in consultation with you, which candidates will best fit the role, your organisation and its culture.  

Further Services

We can also advise on advertising strategies, develop interview questions, coordinate your recruitment process, produce position descriptions and develop employment contracts.  

All of these services will not only save you time and enable greater efficiencies in your hiring process but also free up your HR team to focus on delivering key services to council.

If you are interested in exploring any of our Recruitment services and would like to discuss how best we can assist you please contact our team or email [email protected].



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