Executive and Specialist Recruitment


Christian Morris
Manager – Management Solutions
Phone: 02 9242 4160
[email protected]

Anantha Dinavahi
Senior Consultant
Phone: 02 9242 4025
[email protected]

Claudia Nossa Cortes
Senior Consultant
Phone: 02 9242 4051
[email protected]

Emily King
HR Consultant
Phone: 02 9242 4018
[email protected]

Elfia Karydas
HR Coordinator
Phone: 02 9242 4016
[email protected]

Meha Patel
HR Graduate
Phone: 02 9242 4110
[email protected]

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Executive vacancies

LGNSW Management Solutions has been dedicated to providing human resource and employment services to Local Government since 1992. As a unit of LGNSW, we are owned by the industry and support our members through applying expertise, resources and knowledge tailored to the specific needs and issues faced by them.

To see new roles please check via the link below. If there are no vacancies please check this page again soon. You can also follow LGNSW on LinkedIn for the latest news, updates and positions vacant.

To be considered for a role, all applicants must address the selection criteria, and have an appropriate Australian or New Zealand work visa.

Current council vacancies




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