Understanding LG Finances for Councillors

A hand holding a pen points to a bar chart on a document on a desk.
Whether it be reading Council's budget, or contributing or questioning the IP&R Framework and its strategies, senior managers and councillors are having to make many decisions about financial issues in local government and balance those needs against the needs of the community.

This module will assist senior managers and councillors to make informed decisions about strategic financial issues facing your council and how to interpret the information you receive.

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26/02/2024 9:00 AM - 1:00 PM
AUS Eastern Summer Time
Interactive Webcast
Online registration not available.

COUNCIL STAFF:  If your council holds membership with Local Government NSW, this entitles all staff within the council to access member pricing by logging in or creating a LGNSW account. For more details, view our Frequently Asked Questions.

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