Championing Local Government


Devika Mudaliar
Workforce Development Consultant
Phone: 02 9242 4185
[email protected]

Capability Framework

The Local Government Capability Framework sets out the essential knowledge, skills, abilities and other attributes needed to work effectively in local government.

It has been designed to give those elected and employed in local government more support to continue their fantastic work, aligning elected members and the workforce to deliver community outcomes by describing capabilities in terms of observable behaviour.

The framework has been designed to support mayors and councillors with their personal and professional development planning, and also provides a common foundation for creating roles, recruitment, managing performance, capabilities development, career planning and more broadly, workforce planning.

It has been developed through an extensive engagement process with many councils across NSW, and we thank all those who participated for their significant contribution and support. You have helped ensure that the framework is well targeted and has applicability across the full spectrum of roles and councils.

Local Government NSW has developed a suite of supporting materials and tools to assist councils in implementing the framework.

Understanding the Capability Framework

  • Training workshops – Come along and learn about how to use the Capability Framework in your council
  • Interactive webpage - An interactive version of the capability framework that enables you to investigate and engage with the capabilities required for your current role and support your development needs –
  • Accessible PDF version - A full PDF version of the capability framework that is designed to be accessible to people with disabilities. Capability Framework (PDF, 101KB).
  • Powerpoint introduction - Introduction to the Capability Framework (PDF, 169KB)

Guides for Implementing the Capability Framework

Implementation and Change Management (PDF, 181KB) | Templates (Word, 157KB)
Recruitment and Selection (PDF, 592KB) | Templates (Word, 142KB)
Creating Position Descriptions (PDF, 1,668KB)
Performance Management and Development Process (PDF, 568KB) | Templates (Word, 88KB)
Workforce Planning (PDF, 587KB) | Templates (Word 106KB).

Tools for Implementing the Capability Framework

Online position-description builder - developed to support the development of position descriptions using the Local Government Capability Framework –

Capability Framework and the Award

LGNSW advises councils that the LGNSW Capability Framework does not displace or override the Local Government (State) Award 2023 (“the Award”) and is not linked to the Award. The Award is the enforceable industrial instrument setting the minimum terms and conditions for the majority of local government employees in NSW. The framework does not alter councils’ obligations to:

  • Evaluate positions in their structure in accordance with the Award's skill descriptors; and
  • Ensure progression through councils’ salary systems based on the acquisition and use of skills, or employee performance, provided that progression beyond the entry level based on the acquisition and use of skills is also available.