President's Message



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LGNSW President Cr Darriea Turley AM with  ?? and LGNSW Board member Cr Carmel Pesce.

LGNSW President Cr Darriea Turley AM with Sutherland Shire Deputy Mayor Councillor Carol Provan and LGNSW Board member Cr Carmel Pesce at last year's Local Government Week Awards dinner.

1 August 2023

LG Week and Awards

This week’s Local Government Week Awards are one of the highlights of the year for me as your President.

As you know, Local Government Week is already under way, but on Thursday at Doltone House we will be showcasing our NSW councils and the great initiatives and projects they undertake that help move the conversation beyond the traditional roads, rates and rubbish, in demonstrating the far-reaching role councils' play.

The level of excellence that will be on show demonstrates the different ways to communicate council messages and results, and the real winners are the communities the councils represent.

The Awards that will be covered include:

  • The RH Dougherty Events and Communications Awards
  • The Leo Kelly OAM Art and Culture Awards
  • The LGNSW Planning Awards, and
  • The Department of Communities and Justice (DCJ) NSW Youth Week Awards.

On hand this Thursday will be Minister for Local Government Ron Hoenig MP as well as the Minister for Youth, Rose Jackson MLC.

All of the awards have been judged by panels of experts who have commented at the high standard of entries.

LGNSW submission for the 2023-24 NSW Budget

The LGNSW budget submission for the 2023-24 NSW Budget highlights the need for sustained support and investment in the face of economic challenges, inflation, and mounting debt.

It calls for the new government to strike a balance between providing stimulus and ensuring fiscal sustainability to support businesses and communities. This includes providing support for public, social, and affordable housing.

The submission emphasises funding for road maintenance and essential infrastructure, along with measures to strengthen water security. It also calls for increased financial support for local community infrastructure and services, especially in areas affected by natural disasters.

LGNSW aims to work closely with the new NSW Government to position the State for economic recovery and better prepare for future challenges.

Major asks include:

  • $77 million to restore the ESL subsidy
  • $390 million to implement the Emergency Road Repair Fund
  • Continuation of the $1.1 billion Fixing Local Roads and Fixing Country Bridges Programs
  • $1 billion over five years to renew the Safe and Secure Water Program
  • $ 1 billion over four years to invest in the next tranche of water infrastructure projects under the WaterNSW 20-year Plan.
  • $2.6 billion annually over the next 10 years to build public and social housing
  • Reinvest $800 million in waste levies into waste management.

Human Resources Conference | 10-12 October, Swissotel Sydney

Save the Date! Registrations for the LGNSW Human Resources Conference are open exclusively for members to register ahead of non-members and other industry stakeholders.

The HR Conference is a not-to-be missed event that has been specially designed to provide HR professionals with the practical strategies and insights needed to address key workforce challenges facing local government today.

Learn more about the conference at

Net Zero Webinar Series - #3 Net Zero Pools

Is your council investigating options to transition pool facilities to net zero emissions? Join the free webinar on Tuesday 29 August from 10am–11.30am.

This session is designed help those involved in the planning, management, and operation of pool facilities to identify available opportunities to achieve net zero operations.

Learn more or register


Darriea sign-off