President's Message



Phone: 02 9242 4000 
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From left: LGNSW Chief Executive Scott Phillips, Cr Jennifer Lecky, Cr Steve Reynolds, LGNSW Cr Darriea Turley, Cr De-anne Douglas, Cr Darryl Marshall, Cr Rod Scholes, MSC General Manager Derek Finnigan.

From left: Former LGNSW Chief Executive Scott Phillips, Cr Jennifer Lecky, Cr Steve Reynolds, LGNSW President Cr Darriea Turley, Cr De-anne Douglas, Cr Darryl Marshall, Cr Rod Scholes, MSC General Manager Derek Finnigan.

25 July 2023

Registrations now open to 2023 Annual Conference

Hard to believe that we’re already more than half-way through 2023, but here we are – opening registrations and the motion submission portal for the LGNSW Annual Conference, now less than four months away.

The 2023 Conference will be held on 12-14 November at Rosehill Gardens Racecourse, one of the limited venues available to appropriately accommodate an event of this size.

Delegates will not only debate motions and pass resolutions to inform our advocacy agenda for the year ahead, but they will also vote in LGNSW’s biennial election for the President and Board Directors. And of course, as always, there is the opportunity to catch up and network with peers to share local concerns, potential solutions and innovative approaches to the many challenges facing our sector.

We’re always working to improve and streamline our processes, so there are a number of changes to the registration and motion submission process this year. I’ve highlighted a couple below, but you may also want to bookmark our new 2023 Conference website, where you’ll be able to find all things conference-related.

Conference Registration
Event registration: It’s ok if your council has not yet determined who their delegates will be. Whoever is making the bookings for your council can simply list your delegate names as TBC1, TBC2 and so on, and return at a later date to update the names after they’ve been confirmed. 

There is an additional registration step for nominated voting delegates who have been selected by their council to vote on motions and for the LGNSW Board Directors. These nominated voting delegates will need to be registered by name by their Group Coordinator via the group registration process by 5pm AEDT on Friday 27 October 2023.

You can find your councils' voting entitlements here, and more information about voting rules and substitutions here.

Discounted early bird rates are available until Thursday 28 September.

Submitting Motions
Proposed motions for debate by delegates can be submitted via the Conference website motions page until Friday 15 September.

We’ve made it easier to log into this portal by using the same username and password you use to enter the Members' Only section of the LGNSW website – once you’ve logged in, just click the "Programs" button in the top right navigation bar to access the online portal. (If you’ve never logged in before, just click “forgot password” under the sign in button and follow the prompts to reset).

Under the LGNSW Rules, the latest date motions can be accepted for inclusion in the business paper is Sunday 15 October 2023.

You can find more information on developing and submitting motions in our 2023 Annual Conference Motion Submission Guide.

ESL response from Minister

Earlier this year, I met with and wrote to the Treasurer, Minister for Emergency Services and Minister for Local Government, re-emphasising our request for the ESL subsidy to be reinstated and providing them with a set of proposed legislative amendments to decouple it from the Rate Peg. This would enable councils to recover the full cost of this significant financial impost.

Disappointingly, Minister Hoenig has now advised that the NSW Government is not in a position to apply the subsidy this year, and the government does not support our proposal to decouple the ESL from the rate peg.

Given the potential flow-on adverse impacts that will impact every community across NSW, I will be treating this issue as a matter of urgency and will keep you all updated as we seek support right across Parliament to achieve a fairer funding arrangement.

Minister's Awards for Women in Local Government

Nominations are now open for the 2023 Minister's Awards for Women in Local Government, which will be announced at a ceremony co-hosted by Minister for Local Government Ron Hoenig and Minister for Women Jodie Harrison at Parliament House on 4 October.

Please consider putting forward council staff, mayors, councillors, and successful programs that showcase the outstanding contribution women make to our councils and communities – they’re worth celebrating!

Nominations for these awards close on 17 August.

Inquiry into insurers’ response to the 2022 floods

Last week, the Albanese Government announced an inquiry into insurers’ response to the 2022 floods, investigating the preparedness of insurers to respond to the frequency of these events.

The inquiry will also consider supply chain issues, skills, and labour shortages, claims handling, and communication with policy holders before, during and after these devastating events.

In 2022 our conference resolved to support a motion from Lismore City Council calling for an independent inquiry into insurance companies, and I am so pleased this call has been listened to with the establishment of the inquiry.

Circular economy

I also welcome the Federal Government’s announcements to introduce recycled content traceability in Australia, and provide $60 million for soft plastic recycling infrastructure.

We’re also pleased to see a significant funding boost for recycling infrastructure, following ongoing advocacy and multiple motions submitted to our annual conferences over the years.


Darriea sign-off