President's Message



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Board meeting of 21 April 2023 with new Local Government Minister Ron Hoenig MP addressing the board.

New Local Government Minister Ron Hoenig MP at last Friday's LGNSW Board meeting with President CR Darriea Turley AM.

26 April 2023

Pleasure to welcome new LG Minister

It was a real pleasure to welcome our new Minister for Local Government, Ron Hoenig MP, to our Local Government NSW Board Meeting on Friday, where he shared his views on the need to empower councillors as democratically elected representatives of our communities.

He was also frank about the difficult economic environment facing the new Minns Government, and highlighted some very concerning challenges likely to impact us all over the next 12 months.

It’s increasingly clear that our sector will need to unite as never before if we are to see our communities through while remaining financially sustainable and still able to provide the services and infrastructure on which they rely. 

Cost shifting survey

A big shout-out to Carrathool Shire Council for being the first to return their cost-shifting survey to LGNSW!

The LGNSW 2023 Cost Shifting Survey went out to all NSW mayors and general managers early last week, with the results vital to developing the evidence base we need in our work to improve the financial sustainability of councils.

The deadline to return this important information is 8 May – please help by looking at the cost-shifting burden carried by your council and responding to the survey accordingly. Any questions can be directed to [email protected].

Last chance to submit your application to be a Trustee for the Cr Pat Dixon Memorial Scholarship

A reminder to all Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander councillors that we are seeking a new trustee on the Cr Pat Dixon Memorial Scholarship Trust.

The trustees assess and award the Cr Pat Dixon Memorial Scholarship annually to eligible Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander councillors and council staff members in NSW to undertake further study, professional development and research.

EOIs close 30 April.

LG Week Awards – Celebrate your councils’ achievements

Applications are open for the Local Government Week 2023 Awards, which recognise and encourage greater understanding and communication by councils to their communities.

I can’t stress enough how important it is to showcase the great work each and every council does for their communities. This is your chance to shout it from the rooftop and take home the award accolade.

Applications can be submitted across four award categories:

  • RH Dougherty Events and Communications
  • Leo Kelly OAM Arts and Culture
  • LGNSW Planning Awards
  • The Department of Communities and Justice (DCJ) NSW Youth Week Awards

Applications close on Friday, 2 June.

Learn more

Executive and Administrative Assistants’ Conference – Program now available

The Program for our always eagerly anticipated Executive and Administrative Assistants Conference has now been released.

The conference features professional and leading practitioners who will share trends, ideas and practical skills to help support executive and administrative assistants to meet the multiple demands of their daily work.

With sessions canvassing topics such as Inside the Mind of an Executive, Having a Boss Mindset, Wellbeing and the Power of Connection, and Tech Shortcuts You’ll Wish you Knew Years Ago, it’s no surprise this conference is expected to sell out early.

View the program