Courses for Staff

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Course Dates
7 Aug 2024Register Now
16 Oct 2024Register Now

M365 Teams Collaboration

Previous participant feedback:

"Tips & Tricks on Microsoft were excellent - I could have attended a whole seminar on this topic."

"Amazing session - great tips I never knew".

"I love using shortcuts, because they're time savers. I found out about shortcuts I didn't know and, after learning about them on this course, I now use them every day".

You probably use Teams and Office applications such as PowerPoint daily, but how confident are you that you're doing things correctly?

Self-taught users are often frustrated and unaware of shortcuts that will save them time.

Discover how to use Teams, SharePoint and Office 365 to manage and share documentation properly. This session will explain how the different Office applications, such as PowerPoint and Excel, are linked and unravels OneDrive and SharePoint collaboration and document sharing.

At the end of this session, you'll understand more of the full potential of these tools. You'll deepen your knowledge of messaging, video calls, meetings and presenting and fully understand file storage, sharing and collaboration.


  • How to navigate Teams and Office 365 Apps, including understanding channels, chats and notifications.
  • Discover the standard Office Apps, such as Delve and how they'll help collaboration and productivity.
  • Creating and Managing Teams: How to set up and manage teas for different projects or departments, including team settings and permissions.
  • Real-time Communication: Tips for using chat, video calls, and meetings and presenting content during meetings.
  • Collaborative Document Editing: Learning how to create, share, and co-author documents using Office 365 apps like Word, Excel and PowerPoint within Teams.
  • File Sharing and Version Control: Understanding how to share files, folders and maintain version control in Teams, SharePoint and OneDrive for Business.

Who should attend?
For anyone who is using Teams and Office 365 in their organisation for collaboration, meetings and document sharing. This course is unsuitable for those new to Teams and Office 365, but is aimed at users with a basic understanding and knowledge gaps.