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Two kids at a beach who have thrown their Maccas rubbish on the the ground.

Expressions of Interest for Intake 4 of the Litter Prevention Grants Program open

The NSW Government opened the Waste and Sustainable Materials Strategy 2041 (WASM) Litter Prevention Grants Program in 2022 for councils, community groups and other key stakeholders to deliver litter prevention projects and develop strategic plans to address litter in their local environments.

  • EOIs for Intake 4 close on 18 October 2024 (this short EOI starts the process and includes the opportunity to discuss your ideas and receive feedback from the grants team)
  • If your EOI is successful, you will be invited to make a detailed application
  • Applications for Intake 4 close on 22 November 2024

Funding is provided under three streams:

  • Stream 1: Small-scale, on-ground litter prevention projects, including a dedicated cigarette butt litter program
  • Stream 2: Strategic development and capacity building for litter prevention
  • Stream 3: Own It and Act strategic implementation for litter prevention 

Intake 4 is the last chance to apply for funding under all three streams. Intake 5 will receive Stream 1 or 3 applications only. 

These guidelines will help guide your application for funding:

Submit your Expression of interest for grant funding through SmartyGrants.  

If you have any questions about the program and the application process, please reply to the Litter Prevention Mailbox at [email protected].