

Planning NSW
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Aftermath of a bushfire.

On exhibition: Draft Bush Fire Prone Land Package

The NSW Government is inviting feedback on a draft policy to improve bushfire resilience and ensure communities are better prepared for the impact of major bushfires.

The Department of Planning, Housing and Infrastructure (DPHI) and the NSW Rural Fire Service (NSWRFS) have jointly developed a draft Bush Fire Prone Land Package to ensure that bushfire risk is considered in strategic land use planning in NSW.

This is the result of a recommendation of the Independent Bushfire Inquiry to move from site-based decisions to a more strategic and risk-based approach, improving community resilience to the effects of bushfire risk.

The package includes a draft:

  • Bush Fire Policy for Land Use Planning
  • Planning for Bushfire Protection – update (local planning direction 4.3)
  • Bush fire planning system circular – update.

The exhibition documents also include frequently asked questions (FAQs).

The draft package has been developed based on feedback and consultation with  state and local government, experts and industry.

The draft package is on exhibition for public comment until 30 July 2024.

Access the exhibition documents

Contact the Bush Fire Planning Team at [email protected] if you have any questions.