

Australian Mobile Telecommunications Association (AMTA)
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Farmer in bush conditions, sitting using a mobile phone.

Reminder about upcoming 3G network switch-off

As a connectivity leader for the state, NSW Telco Authority would like to remind you about the 3G network switch-off.

All 3G and some 4G devices will soon stop working
Telstra’s 3G network will be switched off on 31 August; Optus’s 3G network on 1 September. TPG Telecom/Vodafone switched off in January.

Do you use a device that connects to a 3G network?
To stay connected, including to 000 emergency services, you must upgrade to a new 4G or 5G device before your 3G network is switched off. Don’t call 000 to test your device.

The 3G switch off won't just affect phones
Some EFTPOS machines, medical alarms, personal emergency response devices, smart watches and tablets will need replacing too.


Telstra | 3G switch off info
Optus | 3G switch off info
ACMA consumer advice | 3G switch off