

Niv Roy
Local Government Procurement
E: [email protected]
P: 0466 730 969

An LGTA forum in session.

LGTA Capability Development Forums

Local Government Procurement (LGP) invites NSW council staff to attend one of its upcoming Capability Development Forums, which will be held across the state throughout the year.

The next forum will be held in Dubbo on Thursday 20 June.

The forums aim to facilitate in-depth discussions and knowledge-sharing on crucial aspects of capability development and its changing paradigm in the ever-evolving workplace environment.

The first event of the series that LGP launched for LG Training Academy (RTO code 45450), its Registered Training Organisation (RTO), was successfully delivered in Tamworth on 10 April and was received well by attendees.

The next Capability Development Forum will be held in Dubbo.

Date: Thursday 20 June 2024
Cost: Free to attend
Duration: 10.00am-12.35pm (followed by lunch)
Venue: Taronga Western Plains Zoo, Dubbo

Upcoming forum dates and locations

Wagga Wagga: Wednesday, 24 July 2024
Sydney: Wednesday, 28 August 2024
Coffs Harbour: Wednesday, 4 September 2024
Online: Wednesday, 20 November 2024

For more information, please contact Niv Roy, Head of Training, at 0466 730 969, email [email protected] or call the Training Team at 02 8270 8749, email [email protected].