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2023 LG Week Award Winner

Q&A with 2023 Award Winner

Why did you enter into the LG Week Awards?
We applied to the LG Week Awards to showcase the excellent communication work our team had achieved during Seniors Week 2023. It was a chance to benchmark our efforts against industry standards and gain recognition for our team's hard work and creativity. 

How did you find the application process overall?
The application process for the LG Week Awards was thorough but straightforward. It encouraged introspection and a comprehensive evaluation of the project, allowing us to articulate the objectives, execution, and outcomes effectively. The clear guidelines provided made the process manageable.

From start to finish, how long would you say it took to complete an Award application?
Completing the LG Week Award application involved gathering information, collating evidence, and reflecting on our projects' impact. From start to finish, it took approximately 5 days to ensure our application was comprehensive, reflective of our achievements, and aligned with the award criteria. This timeframe included internal discussions, drafting, and final revisions

What did winning an LG Week award mean for you and your council?
Winning an LG Week award was a significant achievement for us and our council. It validated the hard work and dedication of our team and served as a testament to our commitment to Excellence in Communication in local government. The recognition has not only boosted morale within our council but has also strengthened our relationship with the community, showcasing our achievements and enhancing our reputation in the sector.

Why would you recommend others to apply for the LG Week awards?
The application process itself is a valuable exercise in reflection and celebration of your team's efforts and achievements. Winning or simply participating can significantly enhance your Council's profile, foster team spirit, and provide a platform for learning from and networking with peers in the industry. The recognition can also open doors to new opportunities and collaborations

How can your council apply in the Local Government Awards?
Your council can submit an entry in one or more of the below categories:

  • RH Dougherty Events and Communications Awards
  • Leo Kelly OAM Arts and Culture Awards
  • LGNSW Planning Awards

Learn about the process with our FAQs or the assessment criteria for each of the award categories, visit our website. 

Applications will close on Wednesday, 10 April.