

Zahra Rahimpour
Research Associate UNSW
[email protected]

Air conditioning unit on residential house

NSW Evaporative Cooling Survey Invitation

Researchers at UNSW are conducting a project about evaporative cooling systems. Water utilities and councils in NSW are invited to participate in the NSW Evaporative Cooling (EC) Roadmap survey as part of NSW Department of Planning and Environment evaporative cooling project.

The NSW Evaporative Cooling (EC) Roadmap will help inform Australia's long-term water management strategy. In particular, this Roadmap will quantify how much water is used at three different scales:

  1. small-scale residential buildings,
  2. medium-scale commercial buildings, and
  3. large-scale industrial facilities and utilities, with a focus on the use of evaporative cooling and cooling towers in operation in regional NSW.

The Survey will take approximately 15-30 minutes to complete.

Complete Survey

For any further information or any assistance with completing the survey, please contact Zahra Rahimpour, Research Associate UNSW, via email [email protected].