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Cemeteries and Crematoria- licensing and compliance

Cemeteries and Crematoria - licensing and compliance

The licensing application process for cemetery and crematoria operators in NSW is well underway by Cemeteries and Crematoria NSW (CCNSW). Applications for Group 2 operators has been opened since Saturday 1 October 2023 with the deadline for this group to apply for a license being Sunday 31 December 2023. Group 2 operators are those who service between 50-199 internments in the 2021-22 financial year.

Applicants for Group 3 operators will open on Monday 1 January 2024 and close on Sunday 31 March 2024. Group 3 operators are defined as those who service between 5-49 internments in the 2021-22 financial year. Many council operated cemeteries and crematoria will be in the Group 3 category.

Group 3 operators should receive their pre-populated application form from CCNSW by 1 December 2023. If you do not receive this information, contact [email protected] or 9842 8473.

CCNSW has developed clear timeframes for licensing and compliance for operators to follow. Licensing of all cemeteries in NSW is expected to be completed by June 2024. Compliance of all the new cemetery and crematorium regulations is expected to be adhered to by October 2024. Areas of licensing conditions are.

  1. Customer contracts
  2. Cemetery Maintenance
  3. Pricing transparency
  4. Customer service
  5. Religious, cultural and spiritual principles
  6. Reporting obligations
  7. Prohibition of internment services

LGNSW invites council staff responsible for cemetery operations to join the cemetery network to ask questions or offer ideas to other councils who are undergoing the same licensing scheme process across the state.

CCNSW is managing a council working group and hold online meetings to inform and provide a better understanding of the licensing and compliance of the regulations.