

Jo Harney - Policy Officer, LGNSW
[email protected]

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Active Adults campaign

Water Safety for Seniors this summer

This summer, Royal Life Saving NSW and the NSW Government will be focusing on raising awareness about water safety for seniors through its Active Adults campaign.

Research from Royal Life Saving NSW tells us that 67% of all Australians 55 years and over are either insufficiently active (60%) or inactive (14%). Over the last 10 years, the average number of drownings for adults over 65 years has increased, with over 60 drownings last year in that age bracket. The top three reasons for drowning deaths of those 65 years and older were, swimming and recreation, falls, and boating.

The active adult's campaign is reinforcing the following key messages for people over 65 years to encourage activity and recreation in later years, but to also stay safe around water.

  • Share the fun with someone
  • Wear a lifejacket when on the water
  • Check in with yourself
  • Enjoy the benefits of aquatic recreation
  • Watch your step around the water
  • Know your limits and avoid taking risks

The health promotion team at Royal Life Saving NSW can assist with questions about the implementation of this campaign in your local communities [email protected].