

Anthony Luu
LGNSW Senior Policy Officer
Infrastructure and Finance
[email protected]

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Parkes sewage treatment plant.

Protecting local water utilities from privatisation

A Joint Select Committee of the NSW Parliament is conducting an inquiry into protecting local water utilities from privatisation.

The Committee will inquire into and report on how the government can prevent and stop privatisation of local water utilities, with reference to:

  1. How local water utilities and their assets can be best protected against privatisation, forced amalgamations and sell-offs
  2. Reviewing governance and other legislation relating to the potential privatisation of local water utilities; and
  3. Any other related matters.

The inquiry’s terms of reference are on the Committee’s website.

You are invited to make a submission to the inquiry. The closing date for submissions is Sunday 29 October 2023.

For further information about making a submission to this inquiry, head to this page, or contact the committee staff on 9230 2074

LGNSW will also be making a submission and invites council comments. Please direct comments, by Tuesday 17 October, to Anthony Luu, [email protected].