

Bronwen Regan
Government Relations Manager, LGNSW

T: (02) 9242 4057
E: [email protected]

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Emergency Management and Disaster Recovery Network

Connecting council staff working on the frontline of emergency management and disaster recovery.

LGNSW is establishing a new online network to connect council officers who are working in the field of Emergency Management and Disaster Recovery.

Councils who are looking to contribute to upcoming important consultations on the State Disaster Mitigation Plan and revised State Recovery Plan, would benefit greatly from joining this network.

The last few years have seen every Local Government Area in NSW declared a natural disaster zone at some stage. As we know, Councils play an integral role in mitigation, they are also amongst the first to respond during the crisis and they remain the key point of contact and planning for the community’s long-term recovery.

Council Emergency Management and Disaster Recovery officers have an important role to play in these processes. Our new specific network connecting these officers, and any council officers working in this area, will help you discuss and share issues unique to your area of expertise. Similar networks have proven to be particularly useful for staff to ask questions of one another, share templates and best practice advice relevant to the local government sector.

Fill out your details to register your interest in the Emergency Management and Disaster Recovery Network and LGNSW staff will be in touch.

Register now