

Shaun McBride
LGNSW Chief Economist

[email protected]

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IPART – Review of the rate peg methodology

IPART has released its Issues Paper to support the Review of the rate peg methodology.

The Issues Paper sets out some of the important factors that affect how IPART sets the rate peg and some of the questions it has for stakeholders. IPART is now inviting comment, with submissions due on 4 November 2022.

IPART will consult extensively as part of this review and is interested in all stakeholder views.

Workshops on the rate peg methodology will be held in November and a Draft Report will be released in February. A public hearing will be held in 2023 after the Draft Report is released.

LGNSW strongly encourages councils to make submissions to IPART. This is a critical opportunity to overhaul the rate pegging methodology to ensure it reflects real cost movements in a timely and predictable way.

LGNSW will also be making a submission and invites councils to provide comments for inclusion. Please forward comments or copies of submissions to Shaun McBride, LGNSW Chief Economist, at [email protected].