Become a Councillor


NSW Electoral Commission
P: 1300 135 736

Interested in becoming a councillor?

Every council needs people who are passionate about making a difference in their local community.

What’s more, the communities served by councils are often diverse, and this diversity should be reflected in the people elected as councillors.

For more information about becoming a councillor, including registration, nominations and the election process, visit the NSW Electoral Commission website. The Office of Local Government also has some great information available.

Stand for your community

Stand for Your Community is a campaign run through the Office of Local Government to increase diverse representation in local government elections.

The most effective councils truly reflect the people they represent – by gender, age and ethnic identity.

Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people represent 3.4% of the NSW population, according to the 2021 census. The percentage of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander councillors overall in NSW is lower than this. We need more Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people as elected representatives on councils in NSW. 

With a new round of NSW local government elections scheduled for Saturday 14 September 2024, it’s time to push for a local government sector that really reflects our Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities. Nominating for council is one way you can stand for your community.

Also see the Collaborate NSW website