Create Account

Sign up today to create an account with LGNSW. This will allow easy access to update contact information, select communications preferences, register for courses and events and access exclusive content.

When entering your council/organisation below, please ensure you type the first few letters of your council/organisation’s name and select the correct choice from the drop-down menu. If your council/organisation exists on the system, the address should be automatically populated. If your organisation doesn’t appear, simply enter free text in that field.

When entering your email below, please ensure your council/organisation email address is used to allow system validation. For those contacts belonging to a member council/organisation, using your council/organisation email address will qualify you for member only content and pricing. If you do not enter your council/organisation email address, you may not be privy to certain content, information and privileges.

The password must be at least 7 characters long and contain both letters and numbers.